Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Williston Adult Volleyball League- Coed

2 Adults jumping above a volleyball net to get a ball

Williston Recreation & Parks does not run or take registrations for the Williston Adult Volleyball League.  The Town of Williston supports the program by providing gym time and equipment.

Are you looking to join a league or do you have a team that you would like to enter?  The Williston Coed Volleyball League offers two sessions- Fall and Spring, each finishing with a double-elimination tournament over four nights, Mon-Wed of the last two weeks.  A coed team requires two or more females on the court at any time regardless of substitutions.

     Wednesdays                        7:00-9:00 pm
     Fall Session                          Deadline- Sept. 1
     Spring Session                     Deadline- Jan. 1
     $10 Res/$15 Non, per person, per session

     Individuals are welcome and will be placed on a team.
     The skill level of the league is Intermediate and above.

Anyone interested, or with questions, please contact Tim Armstrong at willistonvolleyball@gmail.com