Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities


Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
   Click Here - for the Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities Brochure

   Click Here - for a list of Current Sponsors.

is a rapidly growing and developing community with new neighborhoods and businesses being added each year.  Williston is located in Chittenden County, which is the most populated county in the state.  The Recreation & Parks Department is growing with the town and offers a diverse variety of programs, camps, and special events for all to enjoy!  These include Youth Sports and Enrichment Programs, Adult Pickup Sports and Education & Hobby Programs, Active Agers Programs for 50+, Day, Sports, Specialty & Technology Camps, Special Events, and much more. 

EVERY BUSINESS HAS A TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC, and we want to help you reach yours. In the Brochure, you will find sponsorship opportunities that are customized to those you are trying to reach. We have included items in each section that will help your business reach out to the Williston Community through programs, events, and parks.
AS A WILLISTON RECREATION & PARKS SPONSOR, your company will be associated and aligned with a department that plays a recreational role in the life of the Williston Community.  Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in the different sponsorship opportunities.  Civic-minded companies dedicated to giving back to the community can support the future of the programs, activities, events, and parks while gaining exposure to the community of Williston. 

Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
   Program Sponsorships
   Facility Sponsorship- The R.E.C. Zone

   Youth Sports T-Shirt Sponsorship
   Special Events Sponsorships
   Community Park Sponsorships
   Advertising Opportunities