Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Facility Policy & Fees Info

Facility Use Policy & Fees- Click Here

Permit Applications:  To be filled out and submitted to Williston Recreation & Parks
      Click Here -    Park Facilities Permit Application- (field or court rentals)
      Click Here -    Event Permit Application- (runs, walks, camps, tournaments in Parks)
      Click Here -    R.E.C. Zone Permit Application - (meetings, gatherings)
An Individual, Organized Group, Business, or Organization must obtain a permit of use, without one they do not have priority use.  This consists of any individual, Organized Group, Business, or Organization who wishes to use a Williston Facility once, regularly or wants to have scheduled days and times, and collect a fee or not. 


Reservation Information:

   Reservations must be made 1 week in advance.  Fill out and submit the proper Permit Application.
   Reservation time is from start to finish. (must include set-up and clean-up times.)
      (R.E.C. Zone reservations include being able to get in 15 minutes before your scheduled time and having to be out 15 minutes after your scheduled time.) 
   Reservations require proof of liability insurance.  A Certificate of Insurance is required.
   Permit holders must be present at all reserved times and have the permit with them. 

Portable Restrooms:
     Are required at the expense of the user group of 200 or more people or for a tournament/jamboree/event type activity where people will be coming and going during the event.
  • Park Restrooms must be inspected after an event by the permit holder.
  • Any damage that requires repairs or extra cleaning of restrooms will be charged to the permit holder.
  • Permit holder is required to notify the Department of any damages, cleaning, or restocking that is needed.
Trash Removal:
     Is required at the expense of the user group of 200 or more people or for a tournament/jamboree/event-type activity where people will be coming and going during the event.

  • All trash and recycle bins in the park must be emptied by the permit holder after their event.
  • All trash and recycling must be disposed of in the bins or dumpsters that the permit holder obtained for their event.

For Detailed Information and other requirements, stipulations & Regulations see Facility Use Policy- use the link above.
Payment Information:
   Payment must be made by check or cash.
   Payment and COI must be received before the date of the reservation or the first date of multiple reservations.  
   Permit is Not released until payment and COI is received. 
   Additional charges may apply if additional security, maintenance, custodial, or other services or staff are required.
For Detailed Information on Payments, Cancellations & Rainouts see Facility Use Policy- use the link above.

Facility Use Fee Schedule

Facility Fee
   Fields- Soccer, Multi-Purpose (game/practice) $30 per hr. per Field
   Fields*- Baseball, Softball (game/practice) $20 per hr. per Field
   Courts- Tennis, Pickleball, Volleyball (game/practice) $10 per hr. per Court
   Events- Camps, Tournaments, Runs/Walks, Large Gatherings See Info Below
   Meeting Space- The R.E.C. Zone $20 per hr.

   *Baseball/Softball Infield areas are not lined.  The permit holder must provide Chalk to line infield before use.  Liner and template are provided for use.

Events: (camps, runs, walks, or any other type of large gathering)
    Non-Profit-       $1 per person in attendance or registered for the event
    For Profit-         $5 per person in attendance or registered for the event
    Facility Fee-     Use of fields or courts determined from the above fees
Tournaments & Jamborees:
    Games-                $10 per game
    Facility Fee-        Use of fields or courts determined from the above fees
    Electricity:          Half day- $20 (1-4 hours)              Full day- $40 (4-8 hours)
    Water:                Half day- $20 (1-4 hours)              Full day- $40 (4-8 hours)
    Maintenance-   Staff- $20 per hour (if required, determined by the Director)
    A Dig Safe site visit must be completed by all utilities before any tent is erected.
    The process and fee for this is the responsibility of the permit holder.
    1200+ sq ft of tent space- that equals one or more tents, a permit must be obtained from the state of VT.

  Vendors: (food, drink, product, etc.)
    Vendors must fill out a Vendor Form and submit COI for their company to Permit Holder.
    Permit Holders must submit the Vendor form and COI to the Department before the event.
    No vendors are allowed until approved by the Department.