Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
Register Now


      Registration Now Open!  To view the Guide- Click Here
      Click on the "Programs" icon above for program details and to register.
      Camp Guide- Click Here. Updated Camp Grid- Click Here, 3-24-25
      Camps Added: Kids Kitchen- S3, Ninja ScienceGirls Ninja Science
      Full Camps- Baking Fun, Adv. Baking, Culinary Adv., All About Clay, Woodworking & Tech, Kids Kitchen- S1 & S2, Tennis- age 6-8, S1, age 9-12-S1 & S2, Farm to Table, Slimescapades, Safe Sitter, Fun w/Food, Art Camp- Bookmaking, Painting & Drawing, Electricity & Coding Horse Camps- S1 & S2, and OUR Camps- S1,S3, S4, S6
      Williston Recreation & Park Tax ID is- #03-6000768
      You can obtain a statement for the past year's registrations from your "Household Account". Click on the "Log In" icon above to log in. On your Account Overview, click "Finance" under the black "Account" tab. Set the date range- click "Submit". View or print statements by clicking on the Clipboard with the Red Check Mark on the far right.  Here is a video to help- Click Here

  • SAVE TIME!  Register for Rec. Programs Online!
      Check out the hassle-free, convenient, registration system that can be done from anywhere!
      If you have an account click on the "Log In' icon above to get started.  If not, click on the "New Account" icon above to create one.
      Look for Program offerings on the Rec. Website, Front Porch Forum, and in the Williston Observer and School Newsletter.
      Sign up for Facebook, Instagram, or Monthly E-Rec Newsletter to receive program offerings.
      Don't create a New Account. If you forgot your Username or Password- Click Here
      Be sure your username is correct.  It is not always the email address, some people use other names or words.
      Keep phone numbers, emails, and emergency contacts updated. These are used to contact you, keep you informed and are printed on rosters.  
      If these are not updated, Instructors, Coaches and others are not able to reach you. Be sure to accept emails from recreation@willistonvt.org

2 Girls with female camp counselor
Day Camp Counselors Wanted!
Apply Now!
Click to Apply
Group of young children, colorfully attired, running in a field
R.E.C. Camp
Recreation Experiences for Children
Entering 1st-6th
Register Now!
Six young teens, outside, with thumbs up
O.U.R. Camps
Outdoor Ultimate Recreation
Entering 7th-8th
Register Now!
Children standing behind decorated cakes
Enrichment Camps
Sports, Speciality & Technology Camps
Enrichment Info

Welcome to Williston, Vermont

To get started please Create an Account.  
The information that you provide will help better serve your family. 
If you already have an account- log In to register for Programs/Camps
Be sure to review the How to Register page, if needed.

Online Registration & Payment Options- Please Read
There are various ways to use the site to register and pay for Recreation Programs. 
Be sure to read before beginning- Click Here
Offline Payment Option- The person is not enrolled until cash or check payment is received and processed at Rec. Office. 
Be sure to bring in payment right after registering. After-hour Drop Box is located behind Town Hall.
Online Payment Option- There is a Processing Fee for use of credit cards when paying online-
A minimum fee of $2.00 or 3.5% (whichever is higher) will be charged to your balance + $0.10 per online transaction.