Below is a list of Resources and Support for Seniors. Please contact the listed agency directly.
The Recreation Dept. provides this list as a service for seniors in the community.
If you know of other agencies that should be listed please send info to
211 Vermont-
Find out about hundreds of important community resources, like emergency food and shelter, disability services, counseling, senior services, health care, child care, drug and alcohol programs, legal assistance, transportation agencies, educational and volunteer opportunities, and much more.
A Place for Mom-
Senior Living. 1-844-657-1558.
Addiction Resources for VT
Age Well-
Including Meals on Wheels & Community Meals. Also provides help with grocery shopping, yard work, transportation, in-home care, and much more. 1-800-642-5119.
Alcohol Rehab Guide-
This article talks about alcohol and its effects as it relates to physical fitness and wellness.
Is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by compiling comprehensive research, the latest studies, and real-world insight from experts, caregivers, and seniors into easy-to-understand, actionable guides and resources.
Finding the right assisted living facility is a difficult yet important task, and knowing where to start your search is the first step. The directory below gives details and in-depth information on over 50 facilities in the state of Vermont-
Budgeting & Couponing for Seniors- https://couponfollow
A wide variety of financial management topics, in addition to other health and safety resources for the elderly
Is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones.
Assisted Living in Vermont:
Memory Care in Vermont:
Caregiver’s Guide to Senior Health
One in five Americans are caregivers. This is a medically-reviewed guide to senior health for caregivers.
Cathedral Square-
Cathedral Square is a nonprofit organization, a national leader in the development of affordable, service-enriched housing communities for older adults and people with disabilities and other special needs. Their mission is to advance “healthy homes, caring communities, and positive aging.” Cathedral Square owns or manages 30 affordable housing communities in Vermont and administers the nationally recognized SASH® (Support and Services at Home) program.
Consumer Assistance Program-
Help resolve problems with a business, help address questions that you need answered by the Vermont State Government, and connect you with other resources that can help you. 1-800-649-2424 or 802-656-3183.
Crossword Solver-
Are you solving a crossword puzzle in your favorite newspaper but stuck with a question? Do you also want to know more information and background about your crossword puzzle? This site will help you with the questions and corresponding answers in the crossword puzzles of the most popular newspapers in the English-speaking world. Search for your newspaper on the table and get a little help.
Driving Safely While Aging-
A gulde to the things that can effect your driving as you age.
At, our mission is to ensure that seniors and their loved ones have the help and resources they need to remain independent and safe in their own homes.
Home Share Vermont-
Home sharing is a simple idea where two or more people share a home for mutual benefit. A person offers a private bedroom and shared common space in exchange for rent, help around the home, or a combination of the two. It differs from a typical roommate situation because, at its core, it is about two people helping each other. 802-863-5625.
How to access free/low-cost adult diapers- Click Here
Medicare Long Term Care-
A tool that helps people understand the eligibility requirements to apply for Medicaid Long Term Care according to their state- VT specific page-
Medicaid Long-Term Care Eligibility Requirements Finder
Medicare Plans-
Learn more about the eligibility and enrollment process of different Medicare Plans in Vermont. 800-503-4714
Mental Health Guide for Seniors-
American Senior Communities
Modify a Home for Seniors- Click Here
To ensure their comfort, safety, and well-being, caretakers and family members should implement various home modifications so seniors can age with dignity and independence within their own space.
It's no secret that aging brings along a variety of health issues. For many, deteriorating eyesight is one of the first health issues noticed. To better educate older adults and their caregivers, we recently published an educational guide on aging and eyesight
Novoresume aims to help job seekers land their dream job by providing tools to create the perfect resume, CV, and cover letter. This resource is dedicated to seniors in all situations who are looking for their next employment opportunity."
Paying for Senior Care-
Paying for Assisted Living & Home Care in Vermont
A free site dedicated to providing accurate, useful information to help today's seniors.
RSVP/United Way of Northwest Vermont-
For persons 55 and older to remain engaged in the community through volunteering. RSVP helps volunteers find the right opportunity– whether it’s once a week, once a month, or once in a while. 802-864-7541.
SASH-Support and Services at Home-
Serves seniors and individuals with special needs who receive Medicare support and who live in congregate housing – or the surrounding community. 802-863-2224.
Senior Advice-
Many aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. So we created a free resource that provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and in-home care options that are available in their area.
Senior Employment Resources- Senior Employment Programs and Resources -
Senior Employment
Senior Homes-
A Guide to aging in place- Click Here
Senior Housing-
Senior Living. 1-866-623-8249.
Senior Storage-
Senior Storage needs or need for storage unit info.
SSTA Special Services Transportation Agency-
A private not-for-profit corporation operating out of Colchester, VT to provide accessible transportation for people who have specialized mobility needs both mental and physical. 802-878-1527.
Travel Safety for Seniors-
A guide for seniors on travel safety and avoiding scams. While many seniors experience travel anxiety for various reasons, there are several ways to confront these barriers and make travel more accessible across the board. Offered by MediCareFAQ
UVM Home Health and Hospice-
A mission-driven, community-based healthcare provider whose focus is to deliver high-quality care for all in need, including adult day care. 802-658-1900.
Vermont Adult Protective Services-
Vermont Center for Independent Living-
Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living-
Including Vermont Elder Care Clinician Program a service provided to help older adults who experience mental health concerns. 802-241-2401.
Vermont Legal Aid, Inc-
Long-term Care Ombudsman. 1-800-747-5022 ?or 802-863-5620.
Williston Community Food Shelf-
400 Cornerstone Dr #130. 735-6303.
Williston Place Independent Senior Living-