Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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July 4 Parade Registration & Rules

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NOTE:  Road Closure- Rt. 2- Old Stage Road to Johnson Farm, July 4, 9:30-11:30a

Registration Below for the Parade- before June 30

Parade:  Thursday, July 4 at 10:00 am
  Want to be part of the wonderful parade?  Register your group, organization, or as an individual.  Registration for the parade is online again this year.  Register below. It's Free!

Theme:   "Community is Where You Belong"

Grand Marshals:
  Tony & Susan Lamb will be this year's Grand Marshals for the parade.

  Judging will take place at the line-up before the parade.  Ribbons will be handed out to winners before the beginning of the parade. 

Information on Parade & Parade Rules are below.

Parade Information:
  • To participate in the parade you must register, please register below.
  • There is no fee to register, at checkout choose the Online Payment option, you will not be charged.
  • An email will be sent after you register with a confirmation of your entry.
  • Another email will be sent, prior to July 4, with instructions for line up.
  • Parade Route: Williston Road- Route 2, west bound from Johnson’s Farm to Old Stage Road.
  • Parade Staging and Lineup: Begins at Johnson’s Farm on route 2, Williston Road.
  • Day of Parade: All parade entries must be at the staging area prior to 9:30am. The road closes at 9:30am.
  • Parade Judging: Official Judging will be done at the line-up time beginning at 9:30am. Ribbons will be given out prior to the start of the parade. We ask that winners proudly display ribbon during the parade for all spectators to see.

Parade Rules:
  • 1. No throwing candy or objects from vehicles or floats or throwing anything into the crowd.
  • a. Walkers may hand items to spectators along the parade route.
  • b. The goal is to keep spectators safe by preventing them from entering the roadway to retrieve items or being hit with objects thrown into the crowd.
  • 2. Prohibited Items: Devices that propel water; water balloons; offensive/inappropriate signage; sharp objects; confetti; glitter; pyrotechnics; open flames; drones or any other remote-controlled devices; hazardous materials; and excessive noise makers.
  • 3. Drivers of all vehicles/floats in the parade must have a valid driver’s license; be at least 21 years old; and drug and alcohol-free.
  • 4. Drivers Must always drive down the middle of the road/parade route. No swerving or driving towards the crowd.
  • 5. Any entry that includes children must have adequate adult supervision at all times.
  • 6. Participants must not sit on vehicles/equipment not intended for that purpose. Participants may not sit on vehicle hoods/trunks.
  • 7. Emergency exit accessibility must be available on all floats/vehicles. All participants on floats/vehicles must have direct communication with the driver of their float/vehicle.
  • 8. All floats/vehicles carrying people must be equipped with adequate restraining devices (seat belts or protective railings) capable of stopping anyone falling from the unit.
  • 9. All parade participants must wear safety equipment for the transportation they are on. For example; bikes, scooters, skateboards, horses, etc. must have protective equipment on- including helmets.
  • 10. Playing music is only allowed on the parade route during parade time. Music must be kept at a reasonable level for your participants to hear and act to. Sounds shall not interfere with other floats or vehicles on the parade route.
  • 11. Blowing of vehicle horns or sirens is strictly prohibited on the parade route.
  • 12. Sirens of emergency vehicles are prohibited. Bells can be used and are to be kept at a reasonable level and only used when not a disturbance to parade watchers or sensitive areas along the parade route.
  • 13. If your entry includes animals, you are responsible for providing water and picking up after them.
  • 14. Alcohol, drugs, and smoking are not allowed to be consumed by parade participants before or during the parade. Police will be monitoring the parade as well as the crowd.
  • 15. Commercial business entries may not simply ride through the parade route in their company vehicle. All entries must be decorated according to the parade theme and/or in an appropriate July 4th manner.
  • 16. In the case of an emergency with parade participants or spectators, parade participants must move to the right-hand side of the parade route to allow clear, unhindered access for emergency vehicles
  • 17. The Williston Recreation & Parks Dept. reserves the right to photograph and/or record the entire parade and use these images to promote or benefit the department’s activities including use in electronic media.
  • Note: The Recreation & Parks Dept. reserves the right to remove entries NOT obeying the rules listed above.

Additional Forms and Files:
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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