Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Williston Rec. Basketball

Basketball on wood floor

This is general information on the Rec. Basketball programs are offered each year.  This is not the page to register on.  When registration is open you will find the registration page under the "Youth/Teen- Sports/Fitness" Column on the Program Listing under the Register Tab above.

Programs are offered in the Winter of each year- Dec., Jan. & Feb.

Registration opens in November each year.

There are programs for the following groups:
   RecKids Basketball- Ages 5-6 (Coed, Parent/Child Clinic)
   Rookies Basketball- Grades 1st-2nd (separate boys and girls program)
 Youth Leagues:
   Grades 3rd-4th (separate boys and girls teams are offered)
   Grades 5th-6th (separate boys and girls teams are offered)
   Grades 7th-8th (Boys)

      There is no 7th/8th Girls league, due to no registration or other teams to play.

The 3rd-8th grade teams play teams from area Recreation Dept.