Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Williston Rec. Track & Field

Boys lined up on a track for a race

This is general information on the Rec. Track program offered each year.  This is not the page to register on.  When registration is open you will find the registration page under the "Youth/Teen- Sports/Fitness" Column on the Program Listing under the Register Tab above.

Participants will learn the basics of running, jumping, throwing, and relays. There will be meets with other area Rec. Depts.  There is a VRPA State Meet at the end of the program each year.  Great program for those who love to run, jump, and throw.  

Coed program for Ages 6-14

   Aging Date for VRPA Sate Meet- December 31 of each year
   Athletes aged 7-14 are eligible to participate in the VRPA Meet unless they are high school freshmen.