Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Indoor Pickleball, Age 18+

2 women playing Pickleball indoor

Have you heard of pickleball?  Have you wondered what it is all about? 

If so, learn the rules, a variety of drills, some basic game strategies, and how to play this unique sport in this 1.5-hour introductory clinic.  Resources will be provided for continued learning and playing opportunities. 

Bring your own paddle, or loaner paddles will be available. 

Fee- $35 per person

Registration Process:
   Due to reserving indoor court time to hold this winter clinic, there are three steps that you will need to take:
  1. Pre-register directly with the instructor via email- corey.gottfried@comcast.net
  2. Once enough people pre-register, the instructor will coordinate a date, time, and location with interested participants.
  3. Once a date/time/location has been established, participants will then commit to the clinic by sending payment directly to the instructor via personal check or Venmo.

Instructor: Corey Gottfried