Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Williston Recreation Day Camps

Day Camp Sign

These are the Day Camps run by Williston Recreation.  This information is posted year-round for informational purposes only.  During camp registration season, Feb-Aug, there will be separate buttons on the Program Listing to register for the Day Camps.

Registration for the Day Camps will be available in mid-February. 

R.E.C. CampRecreation Experiences for Children
   Is a wonderful twist on the traditional day camp.  Packed with recreation, sports, crafts, and much more, there is never a dull moment.  This child-centered day camp is the perfect blend of Choice Activities, Pod Times, and Free Play. Camp is for children entering grades 1st-6th in the Fall.

O.U.R. Camps Outdoor Ultimate Recreation Camps
   One-week adventures for youth entering grades 7th-8th in the Fall.  Look for exciting Outdoor Ultimate Recreation weeks.  Be sure to register early spots are limited.

R.E.C. Camp Info- Click Here
O.U.R. Camps Info- Click Here

Visit the Day Camps website- CLICK HERE

Enrichment Camp or Summer School?
   Is your child attending Summer School or do they want to do a morning or afternoon Enrichment Camp?  If so, add a half-day option of R.E.C. Camp- morning or afternoon and make it a full day of camp for your child.
   ENRICHMENT CAMP- If your child is doing a morning or afternoon Enrichment Camp- register for the opposite R.E.C. Camp option- morning or afternoon, and the Camp Staff will get or bring your child to their next camp, after having lunch together.
If doing Summer School and it ends before the afternoon option of R.E.C. Camp begins- that's OK, register them for the afternoon option, let us know your child is in Summer School, and then have the Summer School Staff bring them down to the WCS Cafeteria, where the Camp Staff will have lunch with them and get them to R.E.C. Camp for the afternoon.  If there is no Summer School on Fridays, your child is welcome to attend the whole day at R.E.C. Camp.