Stargazing: Current Night Sky- Age 6+
This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.
Are you curious about the night sky? Do you want to know how to find the Big Dipper, the North Star, and other special objects when you look up on a clear night? Together we can view the current night sky in a digitalized planetarium dome where you'll feel like you are outside at night looking at a perfect sky!
Learn how to locate special stars, constellations and other objects in space while we talk about the science and stories of our spectacular night sky.
Winter skies are the crispest, making them exceptionally beautiful for night time viewing. During this season’s program, we focus on navigating easily from one constellation to another so that guests can go outside and stargaze with confidence.
Instructor: Carrie Cruz
Bio: I am Carrie Cruz: educator, storyteller and your guide to the skies! I have over 30 years of professional teaching experience in elementary and middle schools, 5 years as a museum educator, planetarian and guest speaker for the Cradle of Aviation Museum (Long Island, NY) and 2 years as The Planetarium Lady in Williston, VT. Above all (pardon the pun), I love joining people of all ages as we follow our curiosities and tap into the awe and inspiration the cosmos gifts us. In our time together, we will explore the current night sky constellations, star-hopping as the stories and legends of several cultures unfold on our journey.
Feel free to bring a floor pillow for inside the planetarium dome (optional)
Parents and guardians may join in for no additional cost for the K-2nd and the 3rd-5th program. Please understand that due to limited space only one adult will be allowed inside the planetarium dome with their child.
Registration Information
- All Registrations are done online and there are two payment options at Checkout.
- 1. ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with a credit card (processing fee of $2 or 3.5 %, whichever is higher, plus 10 cents is added). Using this option your balance is paid in full and the person is enrolled.
- 2. OFFLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with check or cash. Using this option, you have to drop off payment at the Rec. Dept., or use the drop box at the back entrance to the Town Hall Building- 7900 Williston Rd.
- NOTE: When using the Offline Payment Option, the person is not enrolled until a check or cash is received and processed.
- Offline Payment Option closes a week prior to the start of the program.
- When the Offline Payment Option is closed you can come into the Rec. Office to register and pay prior to the deadline.
- Please create a household account prior to coming in if you don't have one already.
- Online Payment Option closes the night before the start date of the program or on Thursday evening if the program starts over the weekend.
- Program numbers are checked one week prior to start date to see if minimum number is met.
- If a program is Full, register for the waiting list using the Online Payment Option. No fee will be charged.
- Williston Residents can apply for Financial Assistance if needed. See Link Below
- Don't Wait! Register Early! (A program might be cancelled due to low enrollment).