Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Basketball- RecKids, Age 5-6

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Boys Basketball player with ball

Program Information:
RecKids Basketball will introduce children ages 5-6 to the fine and gross motor skills necessary to play the game of basketball. You and your little one will work together to develop fundamental basketball skills such as dribbling/ball handling, passing/catching, shooting, and running/agility in a fun, non-competitive atmosphere.
There are no games in this program. No special equipment is needed, each participant will receive a a RecKids T-shirt.

Parent participation is required for this program.   

NOTE:  This program is open to every child who is 5-6 years of age at the start date of the program.  Any child who is 6 years old and in 1st grade must register for the 1st/2nd grade basketball program. 

Instructors: Rec. Staff

Benefits of Participation:
  Learn New Things, Make New Friends, Have Fun!
     *Teach Leadership, Teamwork & Sportsmanship
     *Build Strong Relationships, Social and Community Bonds
     *Enhance Self-Confidence and Self-esteem
     *Physical Activity and Health
     *Overcome Challenges

Other Basketball Programs:
   1st-2nd Basketball- to register Click Here
   3rd-8th Basketball- to register Click Here

  RecKids Basketball
    This is a child/parent clinic.  The program teaches the fundamentals of the game using a fun and energetic curriculum that has been tailored to this age group.  The program is Coed.
  1st/2nd Basketball
    The program provides the opportunity for children to learn the game, improve their skills, and enjoy playing.  The program begins in January and meets on Saturdays for 1 hour each time- 1/2 hour Clinic, 1/2 hour Scrimmage.  The program is Coed.
  3rd/4th Basketball
    The program is part of the CVRA League, which plays other Rec. Depts.  Teams meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and 1 game.  Games are on Saturdays in January & February.  Separate boys and girls programs are offered if numbers allow.  
  5th/6th Basketball
    The program is part of the CVRA League, which plays other Rec. Depts.  Teams meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and 1 game.  Games are on Saturdays in January & February.  Separate boys and girls programs are offered if numbers allow.  
  7th/8th Basketball
    The program is part of the CVRA League, which plays other Rec. Depts.  Teams meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and 1 game.  Games are on Saturdays in January & February.  Boys program.

NOTE: There is no 7th/8th Girls league, due to no other teams to play.


Dick   Bag Riders

Registration Information:
  • All Registrations are done online and there are two payment options. At Checkout you will have the option to pay online or offline.
  • 1. ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with a credit card (convenience fee of $2 or 3.5 % is added, whichever is higher). Use this option to pay your balance in full and the person you are registering is enrolled in the programs that you have chosen.
  • The Online Payment Option is available until the deadline (if there is one), or the day before the program begins, or in the case of a weekend program the Thursday before.
  • 2. OFFLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is mailing, using the drop box, or bringing in a check or cash with the receipt that is generated after you register. Reminder- the person you are registering is not enrolled until payment is received.
  • The Offline Payment Option, closes a week prior to the start of a program or deadline to register. This is done so that mailing in payment reaches us prior to the start of the program.
  • When the Offline Payment Option is closed you can come into the Rec. Office to register and pay with cash or check. Please create a household account prior to coming in if you don't have one already.
  • Program numbers are checked one week prior to start date to see if minimum number is met. If not a program can be cancelled due to low enrollment.
  • No registrations are accepted after the second meeting of a program.
  • Don't Wait! Register Early! (A program might be cancelled due to low enrollment).

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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