Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Fun with Food Camp, Age 6-14 Register View Cart

2 Girls making cupcakes

In this camp, we will play with our food! 

Participants will dive into using food creatively as the basis of this camp.  Think Green Eggs and Ham, Teddy Bears on the Beach Cupcakes, or Lady Bug Mozzarella Caprese. We will also spend some time on the “science” side of food playing with states of matter and color.  

Participants will leave with a cookbook of the week's recipes.

Instructor: Lynn Brown
     Bio: Lynn has been teaching cooking and food systems recreationally for over 13 years.  Her degree in agriculture is the basis for her love of food, gardening, science, and nature.  She is the Garden Coordinator at WCS and Jr. Iron Chef VT coach whose team just won the Lively Local Award at this year's competition.  Lynn enjoys introducing kids to food through experiences and tastings.  She incorporates food system knowledge with games and lets kids explore flavor components with unique activities.  Her philosophy is that the kitchen should be a fun place to make mistakes as well as memories.

Camp Notes
  • Final Balance for all camps must be paid in full by June 13, 2025
  • Important Information for Enrichment Camps - See links below

Enrichment Camp Registration
  • Registration for Enrichment Camps can be done Online with the Online Payment Option Only.
  • This is due to the limited spots in the camps and your child is NOT enrolled until payment or deposits are received and processed. Having the Offline Option available may cause children Not to be enrolled because a camp fills.
  • To pay with a check or cash you will need to come into the Recreation Dept. to register and pay.
  • Please create a household account prior to coming in if you don't have one already.
  • Is made with a credit card (processing fee of 3.5 %, plus 10 cents is added).
  • You can use the option to pay the deposits- $25 per child, per camp or pay the full amount.
  • Final balance for all camps is due on the June date above.
  • Your balance can be paid down by sending in regular payments prior to the due date.
  • After the June date above- Camp Registrations must be paid in full at the time of registration. Deposits are no longer accepted after the final payment due date in June.
  • Online registration closes Thursday night prior to that start date of each Enrichment Camp. Fridays are for preparing lists.
  • If a camp is Full, you can register for the waiting list using the Online Payment Option. No fee will be charged.
  • Williston Residents can apply for Financial Assistance, if needed. See Link Below
  • Don't Wait! Register Early! (A camp could be closed due to maximum numbers not reached).

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Fun With Food Camp 
6y - 14y N/A MTuWThF  07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
08:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Williston Central School
$275.00 Res, $290.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
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**Early Drop Off Option- Fun With Food 
6y - 14y N/A MTuWThF  07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
08:00 AM - 08:30 AM

Williston Central School
$5.00 Res, $10.00 Non-Res
7 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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