Williston Recreation & Parks, VT
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Soccer- RecKids, Age 5-6 Register View Cart

Group of soccer players with soccer ball

Registration Deadlines
  Early-Bird Discount- Sunday, August 17 (Williston Residents Only)
    $10 off the listed prices below if registered and paid before the date above
    Discount is taken at the time of checkout
    Offline payments, check or cash, need to be in before the date above to receive Early-Bird Pricing
  Teams are determined- Tuesday, August 19
    Coaches are needed to have teams- No Coach, No Team
  Registration Deadline- Sunday, August 24
    After the date above, all registrations will be placed on a waiting list.
    If space allows, families on the waiting list will be contacted.
  Soccer Ball Ordering Deadline- Sunday, August 10
    A Ball can be ordered for your child during registration.

    They will be given out at the first meeting of the program.

Program Information:

  RecKids Soccer is designed to teach the fundamentals and rules of the game. Youngsters will be provided with the opportunity to learn, practice, and develop their skills. Each Saturday will consist of introducing new skills and scrimmaging.

  This program is open to every child who is 5-6 years of age at the start date of the program. Any child who is 6 years old and in 1st grade must register for the 1st/2nd grade soccer program. 

Program meets once a week on Saturdays in Sept & Oct.  
  1/2 hour practice followed by a 1/2 hour scrimmage


   Dress for the weather
   Practice ball - all players need to bring a size three ball
   Cleats and Shin Guards are required
   A Mouthguard is recommended

Volunteers Needed! 
  To make the program successful, we need your help!  The program relies on parents and community members to volunteer their time to work and learn with the children who are looking for a positive soccer experience.  Please sign up when you register your child. 

Benefits of Participation:
  Learn New Things, Make New Friends, and Have Fun!
     *Teach Leadership, Teamwork & Sportsmanship
     *Build Strong Relationships, Social and Community Bonds
     *Enhance Self-Confidence and Self-esteem
     *Physical Activity and Health
     *Overcome Challenges

Other Soccer Programs:
  Soccer Shorts- (Ages 3-4) To register Click Here
  1st-2nd Soccer- to register,  Click Here 
  3rd-5th Soccer- to register,  Click Here

  Soccer Shorts- Ages 3-4
    The programs teach the fundamentals of soccer using a fun and energetic curriculum that has been tailored to the 3-year-old and the 4-year-old.  All sessions are held in a fun and positive environment where players are encouraged to learn.  The program is a child-parent clinic.
  RecKids Soccer- Ages 5-6
    The program is Co-ed and is designed to teach the fundamentals and rules of the game. Youngsters will be provided with the opportunity to learn, practice, and develop their skills.  Each Saturday will consist of introducing new skills and scrimmaging.
  Rookie Soccer- 1st-2nd
   Separate boy's and girls’ programs will be offered if numbers allow.  The program provides the opportunity for children to learn the game, improve their skills, and enjoy playing.  Teams meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice during the week time and one game on Saturdays.  
 Youth Soccer- 3rd-5th
   Separate boy's and girls’ leagues are offered if numbers allow.  Teams meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and one game per week.  Teams play Hinesburg and Charlotte Recreation teams.
   There are no programs for 6th, 7th, or 8th grade due to school teams that accept these age groups.


DickBag Riders

Youth Sports Registration:
  • All Registrations are done online and there are two payment options at Checkout.
  • 1. ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with a credit card (processing fee of $2 or 3.5 %, whichever is higher, plus 10 cents is added). Using this option your balance is paid in full and the person is enrolled.
  • 2. OFFLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with check or cash. Using this option, you have to drop off payment at the Rec. Dept., or use the drop box at the back entrance to the Town Hall Building- 7900 Williston Rd.
  • NOTE: When using the Offline Payment Option, the person is not enrolled until a check or cash is received and processed.
  • The Offline Payment Option closes a week prior to the start of a program. This is done so that mailing in payment reaches us prior to the start of the program.
  • When the Offline Payment Option is closed you can come into the Rec. Office to register and pay with cash or check prior to the first day of the program or before the deadline if there is one.
  • Please create a household account prior to coming in if you don't have one already.
  • Program numbers are checked one week prior to the start date to see if the minimum number is met. If not a program can be cancelled due to low enrollment.
  • No registrations are accepted after the second meeting of a program.
  • If a program is Full, register for the waiting list using the Online Payment Option. No fee will be charged.
  • Williston Residents can apply for Financial Assistance if needed. See Link Below
  • Don't Wait! Register Early! (A program might be cancelled due to low enrollment).

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Registration Unavailable
View Registration Eligibility
Soccer- Age 5-6, Coed 
5y - 6y N/A Sa  09/06/2025 - 10/18/2025
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Village Community Park - Soccer Field C (U10)
$52.00 Res, $52.00 Non-Res
Registration Opens July 1
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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