R.E.C. Camp- Entering 1st-6th
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R.E.C. Camp- Recreation Experiences for Children
Is a wonderful twist on the traditional day camp. Packed with recreation, sports, and arts & crafts, there is never a dull moment. This child-centered day camp is the perfect blend of choice activities, group games, free play, and the ever-popular field trip and swim day. Campers have the opportunity to meet new friends, learn new things, and have fun.
Each day campers participate in choice activities, group games, and indoor and outdoor play. After a morning on the go, there is lunch and quiet time to rejuvenate and be ready for an afternoon of fun activities. Campers get to choose their choice activities that come from the counselors in camp. There are a variety of activities to choose from each Summer.
Thursdays, each session, are Field Trip and Swim Day. There is a field trip in the morning and swimming\water games in the afternoon- swimming at beaches or pools or water games at camp.
Camp is held at Williston Central School
Camp Options:
Full Days- 7:30a-5:30p
Half Days- Mornings- 7:30a-12:30p
Afternoons- 12:30-5:30p
Camp Sessions:
A session is Monday-Friday, full or half days. A session cannot be split up by days or the full and half-day options.
There are 8-1 week Full Day Sessions available from June 23- August 15
There are 7-1 week, Morning or Afternoon Sessions offered from June 23-August 8
(Your child may attend any day of a session that you want, but the registration is taking a session spot, so the full fee must be paid and will not be prorated)
Session Fees:
Full Day Sessions- $200 Res/$215 Non
Half-Day Sessions- $110 Res/$125 Non
Four-Day Session- June 30-July 3 (no camp July 4)
Full Days- $160 Res/$175 Non
Half Days- $88 Res/$103 Non
Entire Summer- 8 weeks, June 23-August 15
$1,400 (Williston Resident Only)
See Camp Registration Notes below for Registration Info.
Final Camp Balance is due June 13, 2025
Summer School or an Enrichment Camp?
Is your child attending Summer School or do they want to do a morning or afternoon Enrichment Camp? If so, add a half-day option of R.E.C. Camp- morning or afternoon and make it a full day of camp for your child.
If doing a morning or afternoon Enrichment Camp- register for the opposite R.E.C. Camp half-day option and the Camp Staff will get or bring your child to their next camp, after having lunch together.
If your child is doing Summer School, register them for the half-day afternoon option of R.E.C. Camp.
1. If Summer School is Mon-Thurs, we will accept campers all day Fridays, if registered for an "Afternoon Option" of R.E.C. Camp.
2. If the Summer School day ends before the afternoon session of R.E.C. Camp begins- that's OK, register them for the afternoon option, let us know your child is in Summer School, and then have the Summer School Staff bring them down to the Cafeteria. There they will meet up with the R.E.C. Camp.
3. If an Afternoon Session of R.E.C. Camp is Full, and you need a spot for your child who is attending Summer School, contact Recreation.
For More Info on Camp See the Links Below
Camp Notes:
- Final Balance for all camps must be paid in full by June 13, 2025, if you choose the Off-line Payment Option.
- Important Information for the Day Camps - See links below
Day Camp Registration:
- Registration for the Day Camps is done online and there are two payment options at Checkout.
- 1. ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with a credit card (processing fee of 3.5 %, plus 10 cents is added). Using this option you now can pay the deposits per session or you can pay in full, either way your child will be enrolled.
- 2. OFFLINE PAYMENT OPTION- is with check or cash. Using this option, you have to drop off a check, cash at the Rec. Dept., or use the drop box at the back entrance to the Town Hall building- 7900 Williston Rd.
- You can use the option to pay the deposits- $25 per child, per camp, per sessions.
- NOTE: Your child is not enrolled until the proper amount check or cash is received and processed.
- Final balance for all camps is due on the June date above if you choose the Offline Payment Option. Your balance can be paid down by sending in regular payments prior to the due date.
- After the June date above- Camp Registrations must be paid in full at the time of registration. Deposits are no longer accepted after the final payment due date in June.
- The Offline Payment Option closes on the June date above, so all registrations, with a check or cash payment, after this date must be done at the Rec. Office.
- Registration Deadlines:
- 1. Online Payment- registration using the Online Payment Option, closes the Sunday prior to the start date of each session.
- 2. Offline Payment- registration using the Offline Payment Option, coming into the Rec. office, closes 4:00pm the Friday prior to the start date of each session.
- Please create a household account prior to coming in if you don't have one already.
- If a program is Full, you can register for the waiting list using the Online Payment Option. No fee will be charged.
- Williston Residents can apply for Financial Assistance, if needed. See Link Below
- Don't Wait! Register Early! (Spots fill up fast in the Day Camp)
R.E.C. CAMP- Entering 1st-6th
- This Camp is for children entering grades 1st-6th in the Fall.
- Full Day and Half Day Options are available.
- Half Day options are NOT offered the last session of camp.